This action-oriented social drama revolves around Vikram, a law abiding citizen who believes in the Indian system and is enrolled in a law college, to become a trained lawyer and protect the rights of innocents. He is deeply in love with his classmate Shyamlee and they plann to spend the rest of their lives together.
After completing his degree and beginning his law practice in earnest, he is aghast at the way the courts release criminals, mostly due to lack of evidence, not to mention forceful intimidation of witnesses. He, therefore, gives up his profession and calls himself Vicky Dada, the avenger of the poor and the helpless.
As his choice to be a vigilante brings him disrepute, he understands that he can never go back to a law-abiding life. In order to ensure her happiness and success, he sacrifices his love for Shyamlee, and starts to love Savitri. Shyamlee is devastated at this, and vows to find out the reason behind the change in Vikram's behaviour. What is the real reason behind Vikram's transformation into Vicky Dada? Will Shyamlee's love succeed in bringing Vikram back?