This emotionally-charged family drama revolves around Arjun, a brave young man, who is willing to do anything for the happiness and protection of his family, even at the risk of his own life. As Arjun and his twin sister Meenakshi are finishing their college education, Meenakshi reveals that she and classmate Uday have expressed their love for each other. However, Uday's parents plan to getting married to an heiress.
Nevertheless, Arjun vows to arrange the marriage for his sister and her beloved. Soon however, Arjun isn't just fighting for his twin's happiness, but for her life! When Meenakshi becomes the target of her murderous in-laws, Arjun is forced to take up the machete and go to battle.
Did you know? This was the last movie released before the lead actor, Mahesh Babu tied the knot with Namratha Shirodhkar. On the other hand, this was the first movie for Keerthi Reddy, the lead actress in this movie, after her marriage. Read More
This was the last movie released before the lead actor, Mahesh Babu tied the knot with Namratha Shirodhkar. On the other hand, this was the first movie for Keerthi Reddy, the lead actress in this movie, after her marriage.
The Madurai Meenakshi temple shown in this film is a colossal set of the real one. It was created by veteran art director, Padmasri Thotta Tharani.
Varrenda Maduraikku 2007
25 Feb 2007 ● Tamil ● 2 hrs 45 mins
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