User Reviews for The Transporter Refueled

Nothing new to offer except for its slickness and cool chases.

The "Transporter- refueled "plays out like a typical Hollywood chase action-er with all the ingredients intact.a smartly suited hero, swashbuckling cars,stylish babes and snarling villains.Not that I am a great fan of this franchise and I even found this rescue drama from the flesh trade so akin to Mad Max FURY road which released earlier this year and set the B.O on fir.I did not like Mad Max fury road too but at least that film had charisma thanks to power packed turns by Charlize Theron and Ed Hardy.
The actors here are dead pan..Even Ray Stevenson playing lead protagonist Ed Skrein's dad adds more acting chops to his role.Then there is the intriguing Loan Chabanol who quite owns this film as she masterminds the entire turn of events to hit back at her oppressors and save her long suffering similar minded collegues.Ed Skrein as the latest transporter has a stunning physique and moves like lightening in the action scenes..his facial muscles seem to need some stretching however.At 95 minutes, the film is soaked with thrills and adrenaline especially for fans of the franchise and those who savor this genre.The rest can well stay away.