An American girl inherits a fortune and falls into a misguided relationship with a gentleman confidence artist whose true nature, including a barbed and covetous disposition, turns her life into a nightmare.
Did you know? This film's opening theme came to Composer Wojciech Kilar when he was flying back to Poland from a meeting with Director Jane Campion. Lacking manuscript paper, he scribbled it on his boarding pass. Read More
Nicole Kidman spent two weeks in bed after filming. She was diagnosed as suffering from "emotional stress".
This film's opening theme came to Composer Wojciech Kilar when he was flying back to Poland from a meeting with Director Jane Campion. Lacking manuscript paper, he scribbled it on his boarding pass.
The Portrait of a Lady 1997
17 Jan 1997 ● English ● 2 hrs 24 mins
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