This multi-layered crime thriller revolves around Sakthivel, a fearless and forthright police officer who becomes an encounter expert, because the criminals know how to take advantage of the loopholes in the law to escape punishment.
However, when he learns that all his encounter operations were fake ones, meant to safeguard the interest of powerful politicians, corrupt government officials and other anti-social forces, he breaks away from the law and becomes a vigilante.
When he starts fighting the powerful anti-social forces that are the root cause of all crime in society, he is targeted not just by the criminals, but the police force itself plans a counter-attack on him, at a junction in a Bangalore highway.
Just before dawn, as his car is about to pass, two other couples who plan to elope also make their way to the same junction, where Sakthivel's encounter is planned. Will the encounter be successful? What will the future hold in store for the two innocent couples?