Evocative and provocative, this family-oriented relationship drama revolves around Raja Krishna, a successful lawyer, who leads a happy life with his wife, Mridula and child. Unni Krishnan, Mridula's brother is a greedy man, who keeps troubling them for loans.
As a well-wisher, Raja Krishna tries to help Unni Krishnan's household and even attempts to get him married so that he may become responsible and take on stable employment. However, Unni Krishnan not only steals from Raja Krishna's house but develops all kinds of wrong habits. Will Unni Krishnan ever realise the error of his ways, reform himself and fulfil Raja Krishna's faith in his essential goodness?
Mridula's father Kunjunni Kurup, is a selfish man, who attempts to create division and conflict between her and Raja Krishna. He makes it seem as if Raja Krishna is becoming close to Urmila, a female employee in their home. Further, there is also an accusation of rape and sexual misbehaviour against Raja Krishna. Slowly, Mridula becomes suspicious of Raja Krishna and separates from him, despite his claims of innocence.
Raja Krishna is heartbroken by the separation from his beloved wife, Mridula. When Raja Krishna's innocence is revealed, Mridula is remorseful, but he is adamant that he cannot live with a woman who did not trust him. Is there any hope for Raja Krishna and Mridula to reunite? What will happen of their daughter? How will the future unfold for their family?