Fast-paced and fiery, this suspenseful crime thriller revolves around Rohith (Chetan), a fearless youngster, who is brought up in the lap of luxury by Stalin (Ganesh Yadav), a powerful underworld gangster. He's also trained to become a skilled international assassin. Due to a challenging assignment that is posed by his boss, Rohith is forced to travel to Bangalore.
At the airport he is confused as Surya and taken away. That in fact saves his life. Surya is confused as Rohith and a bomb is detonated leading to his death. Hearing this deadly news Rohith decides to impersonate Surya.
Before he takes up the job of CEO of a multi millionaire company he is given the task of consoling his fiancé Kanthi (Regina) who is living with her grand parents (played by Nasser and Kishori Ballal). Free from some tension in life Rohith as Surya comes to Belgaum. He is bowled over by the beauty of Kanthi. But it takes a few days to convince Kanthi.
At this juncture, Surya is forced to resolve an ancestral problem that Kanthi's family is faced with, without taking the help of Kanthi's father who is a multi millionaire. It becomes inevitable for Surya to turn back to his illegal activities.
He loots a massive treasure in Goa that is in the control of his boss Stalin.His actions automatically invites danger as it becomes clear to Stalin that Rohith is alive.
Stalin arrives in Belgaum with the clear intention to exact revenge upon Rohith by eliminating Kanthi. Can Rohith save Kanthi without the truth about his identity being revealed?