This multilayered relationship drama revolves around Ravi (Jagapati Babu), a college student. While attending his friend Deepa Brahma’s (Brahmanandam) wedding ceremony, he happens to meet a young and beautiful girl Madhumati (Poonam). Sparks fly and very soon the both of them fall in love and get ready for marriage.
However, Ravi’s father (Raghunath Reddy) arranges his marriage with his friend’s (Ahuti Prasad) daughter Kanchana (Devayani). Succumbing to family pressure, Ravi marries Kanchana. On their first night, Ravi decides to tell Kanchana his entire past, but it turns out that she has her own love story to narrate.
Rajendra (Pruthvi Raj) is a handsome young man who had rented the space above Kanchana's house. Over a period of time, the both of them had fallen in love with each other and she had also been forced to marry Ravi by her family.
Despite being married according to rituals and societal regulations, Ravi and Kanchana are unable to accept each other as husband and wife. They decide to get a divorce and return to their prior relationships. In this regard, they reach out to a lawyer and are told that they would have to wait for at least one year according to the Hindu marriage law to file for divorce.
The couple is forced to live with each other for a year. In this period of time, both of them start loving each other. Will they still get a divorce?