This upbeat comedy follows the life of Gopu (Kamal Haasan), a budding drama artist. He and his good friend, Babu (S Ve Sekhar), own a popular troupe that performs low-budget comedies. To help Babu pay for his sister's wedding, they accept a commission to perform a set of plays for Tamilians in Simla. One of the plays is titled "Simla Special" and is written by Mahalakshmi (Sripriya).
While Gopu is in Simla, Babu receives a telegram intended for Gopu informing him of Gopu's mom being seriously ill. Fearing the loss of the money if they renege on the Simla commission, Babu keeps the information from Gopu. Gopu subsequently finds out about his mother's illness when a friend calls to tell him that her situation has worsened.
However, for the sake of his friend's sister, he decides to continue acting. He also keeps the information to himself, thinking that if Babu knew, he'd insist that Gopu go back to be by his mother's side.
On the last day of their engagement, Kamal finds the telegram in Babu's coat pocket and realizes his friend's deception. He breaks off his friendship with Babu - but is forced to stay for one last encore before he leaves. Will there be any possibility of Gopu forgiving Babu?
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