This fast-paced action drama delves into the trials in the life of Sanjeev Kumar (Prithviraj), an idealistic young man who is eagerly awaiting his selection into the police force. However, he finds out that his appointment order is being delayed by the then Police Commissioner (Anandaraj), who is backed up by his political and underground relationships and has a grudge against Sanjeev's father.
When things go beyond a limit, Sanjeev gets fed up, and locks up the Commissioner in a secret location. Sanjeev gets selected for the police force and joins as a Sub-Inspector in a police station near his home town, and gets a lot of praise for his work in curbing crime in the city.
In the meanwhile, the Commissioner breaks out of his prison. How will Sanjeev deal with the dangers and obstacles placed on his path by the escaped Commissioner forms the rest of this fiery tale.
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