This exquisitely woven allegorical tale, which, while being mythological also alludes to contemporary politics, tells the Mahabharata story of the villainous Keechak's (Pawar) lusting after Sairandhri (Kamaladevi), the persona adopted by Draupadi in her 13th year of exile.
As a maid who is supposed to be Swaraksita, she claims the protection of King Veerat (Bakre). Keechak, with the covert complicity of his sister Sudeshna, attacks the heroine and, after a spectacular chase through King Veerat's court, he is gorily beheaded by Bheema (Yadav). Pendharkar appears as Krishna.
Did you know? Baburao Painter was also bestowed with the title ‘Cinema Kesari’ by Lokmanya Tilak in 1919 after seeing ‘Sairandhri’. This was the first time in the history of Hindi cinema due to which the title was bestowed for the quality of the art. Read More
This movie was later remade as a sound film by Shantaram.
The published script of the movie (in Bhide and Gajbar, 1978) suggests several grand court scenes and a complicated narrative, more intricate than in Phalke's contemporaneous work and with a more flexible use of space.
Baburao Painter was also bestowed with the title ‘Cinema Kesari’ by Lokmanya Tilak in 1919 after seeing ‘Sairandhri’. This was the first time in the history of Hindi cinema due to which the title was bestowed for the quality of the art.
Baburao Painter founded the Maharashtra Film Company, and this was the first movie he produced under this banner.
This movie created history by becoming the first movie shot with an Indian camera ‘which was invented by his late brother, Anandrao Painter from a junked film projector.
This was Painter's first completed feature in which he balanced his anti-colonial nationalism with his concern for local politics, by publicly paying homage to the freedom fighter "Lokmanya" Tilak, whom he invited to the films Pune premiere.
Sairandhri 1920
01 Jan 1920 ● Silent ● Running Time: TBA
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