Did you know? Peter Weller's RoboCop suit was so hot and heavy that he was losing 3 lbs a day from water loss. Eventually, an air conditioner was installed in the suit. Read More
Peter Weller's RoboCop suit was so hot and heavy that he was losing 3 lbs a day from water loss. Eventually, an air conditioner was installed in the suit.
Peter Weller could not fit properly into the police car while wearing the RoboCop costume as he was too bulky. That's why most shots of him show him exiting the car or preparing to get into it. For shots where he actually needed to be in the car, he only wore the top part of the costume and sat in his underwear.
The film had been offered to (and been rejected by) virtually every big director in Hollywood before Paul Verhoeven got hold of it. He threw it away after reading the first pages, convinced it was just a dumb action movie. However, his wife read it all the way through and convinced him that the story was layered with many satirical and allegorical elements, after which Verhoeven finally decided to direct the film.
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