Anuradha is a wealthy and spoiled teenage girl who is raised by her step-mother, while her father died under mysterious circumstances. Murali appears as a poor educated youth who happens to save her from a group of vagabonds. She, however, constantly gets into fights with Murali, which eventually leads to the two falling in love. Their love is met with many obstacles, as Anuradha's scheming uncle and cousin (Chinni Jayanth) try to gain all of Anuradha's wealth. Murali, on the other hand, has to deal with Chinni as rivals for Anuradha's love. Towards the end as everything seems to go right for the couple, a sudden plot twist occurs when a second Murali enters the picture and claims himself as the true love of Anuradha. Will Anuradha be able to sort out the identity of the real Murali? Watch the movie to find out.