The film revolves around Ajayan (Dileep), a clerk at a lawyer's office. Ajayan had an intercast marriage with Safia (Priyanka Nair) long ago. Ajayan and Safiya along with their five-year old son Deepu (Master Sidharth), were happily living in Fort Kochi. Ajayan wants his son to be a judge, which he couldn’t become. Here happens a tragedy in their life which completely shatters Ajayan and Safia. Their son Deepu goes missing and the story follows the father's journey in search of his son.
This film's screenplay was written by C. V. Balakrishnan based on a story by Rahim Kadavath.
Orma Mathram 2011
29 Jul 2011 ● Malayalam ● 1 hr 59 mins
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