This action-oriented relationship drama revolves around Raja (Venkatesh), an uneducated, but extremely intelligent and capable young man, who works as a labourer. Raja becomes involved in a caring friendship with Indu, an unemployed but educated woman from an impoverished family. Indu is used by Priyanka, a wealthy and arrogant young woman, who cheats her and consequently causes a tragic death. Raja becomes furious with her and kisses her in public and gets severely beaten for his action. He makes a bet with Priyanka's father that he would become a wealthier and more powerful businessman than him within a span of four years, and if he should succeed in winning the bet, his reward would be Priyanka's hand in marriage.
Priyanka's lecturer, Raja Rajeswari Devi decides to guide Raja in the fulfilment of his mission. She trains Raja and slowly moulds him into a successful and sophisticated businessman.
When Priyanka's father learns that the secret to Raja's success is the guidance of Raja Rajeswari Devi, he hires a deadly criminal to publicly insult and demean the dignified lecturer. In order to avenge the injustice committed against his mentor, Raja embarks upon a mission to defeat Priyanka's father and decimate his business empire. Will he succeed in his mission?