This evocative romantic drama revolves around Venakteswarlu (Venkatesh), a fun-loving young man, who is fondly known to all as Venky. He shares a very special bond of friendship and trust with his father, Shekhar. Worried about his son's immaturity and aimlessness, Shekhar decides to send Venky to live with his childhood friend Murthy, who has grown into a successful businessman.
Venky develops a close and friendly relationship with everyone in Murthy's household and also secures a job. Murthy's daughter Nandini, is engaged to a software professional from the USA. Sparks fly between Nandini and Venky, but soon, their ego battles give way to attraction and love. While Nandini expresses her love, Venky is afraid to cause friction in the friendship between their fathers, so, he tries his best to avoid the relationship.
As Nandini's wedding date gets closer, she becomes more desperate to force Venky into admitting his love. He does not, because he doesn't wish to appear to have betrayed the trust Murthy had placed in him, by allowing a young man into his home.
Venky involves himself dutifully in every minute detail of Nandini's wedding preparations and fully prepares himself to sacrifice his love for his father's friendship. However, when painful circumstances result in the cancellation of the wedding, it is up to Venky to finally step up to the plate and express his love. Will his love story end on a happy note, with everyone accepting their union?