This multi-layered family drama revolves around Kupikundam Hams, the illegitimate son of Achum Kundam Thomacha. Hamsa's mother is a mentally deranged lady. As he believes his father to be responsible for his mother's plight, Hamsa bears a grudge against Achum Kundam Thomacha and keeps on troubling him all the time.
Achum Kundam Thomacha's daughters are supporters of their step-brother, Hamsa. Achum Kundam Thomacha gets his son in law a Circle Inspector to come on transfer and get Hamsa controlled, but this too fails. The son in law then gets a killer from Chennai to bump off Mani. The killer is identical in appearance to Hamsa. A struggle takes place and the killer is stabbed to death.
Everyone thinks it is Hamsa who is dead, while he stealthily takes the place of the killer. Achum Kundam Thomacha gets angry with his son in law for selling off properties without his knowledge and disowns him. The son in law once again goes to Chennai and tells Hamsa to kill Achum Kundam Thomacha without realising his true identity. Will the dynamic father-son duo succeed in settling their differences and come together as a formidable unit to destroy their enemies?