Stephane joins the Anti-Crime Squad in Montfermeil, in Paris suburbs, where Victor Hugo set his novel Les Miserables. Alongside his colleagues Chris and Gwada, Stephane discovers tensions running high between gangs. When the trio finds themselves overrun during an arrest, a drone captures the encounter. Inspired by the 2005 Paris riots, and Ladj Ly’s short film of the same name, Les Misérables is a provocative insight into the tensions between residents and police.
Release Dates: 20 Nov 2019 (France), 14 Nov 2019 (Greece), 22 Nov 2019 (Spain)
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Did you know? The Prix CST of the Artist-Technician was awarded to Flora Volpelière for editing and Julien Poupard for the cinematography at the Cannes Film Festival 2019. Read More
This film is inspired by the riots of 2005 in the Paris suburbs.
The Prix CST of the Artist-Technician was awarded to Flora Volpelière for editing and Julien Poupard for the cinematography at the Cannes Film Festival 2019.
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