This action-oriented crime drama revolves around Shankar, an orphaned young lad. In order to care for his younger sister Revathi and another orphan, he begins stealing food items. Slowly he graduates into bigger crimes and becomes a gangster.
He adopts a village and is treated with great reverence by the villagers. He joins hands with a bigger gangster Dada and becomes his partner in crime. Apart from crime Shankar is also a good dancer and a dance instructor. Radha, a beautiful young woman falls in love with him.
Shankar realises that the bond between Revathi and the other orphan he had supported, who has grown into an honest police officer, has transformed into love. He gets them married. Without knowing that Shankar belongs to the same crime syndicate, his brother-in-law request his assistance in eliminating Dada.
Shankar also contemplates giving up his criminal lifestyle, but is forced to stay in the gang to ensure that his brother-in-law's life is protected. How will his sister and brother-in-law react when the truth about Shankar's profession is revealed? Will Shankar succeed in protecting his loved ones from Dada and his other criminal associates? How will his future unfold?