Did you know? The last time audiences saw the multilingual actor Priya Anand in Kannada was in "James," where she starred alongside Puneeth Rajkumar. Now, she's preparing for her upcoming project in Yogaraj Bhat's "Karataka Damanaka." This marks Priya's debut collaboration with both the director and the Hat-trick hero, generating excitement among fans. Read More
Producer Rockline Venkatesh emphasized that "Karataka Damanaka," originally produced in Kannada, will be released in multiple languages and overseas. He stated that the collaboration between Shivarajkumar and Prabhudeva, renowned for their acting and dancing skills, adds a distinctive flavor to this highly anticipated film, making it one of the most awaited releases of the year.
After a considerable hiatus, Prabhu Deva makes his comeback to Kannada cinema with this film.
The last time audiences saw the multilingual actor Priya Anand in Kannada was in "James," where she starred alongside Puneeth Rajkumar. Now, she's preparing for her upcoming project in Yogaraj Bhat's "Karataka Damanaka." This marks Priya's debut collaboration with both the director and the Hat-trick hero, generating excitement among fans.
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