Fast-paced and funny, this family-oriented relationship drama revolves around Achyut (Nara Rohit) and Anand (Naga Shourya), two capable and handsome men, who are brothers.
As impulsive youngsters, the brothers get into conflict when both of them fall in love with Jyosna (Regina) or Jo who is a tenant in their house. Achyut and Anand compete against each other in a desperate attempt to impress Jo and when her heart. However, she summarily rejects both of them and concentrates on her education. After a while, she leaves for the USA to pursue higher studies.
Five years later, when she returns to their home, everything has changed for the brothers. Both of them have completely moved on from their crush on Jo. They are both married and immersed in their happy and committed relationships.
Now, they are placed in the awkward position of having to narrate the story of their past with Jo to their respective wives. How will their wives react to the story of their first crush? Will the brothers succeed in their mission to keep the harmony within their families intact?