This evocative family drama revolves around Hemanth, a carefree youngster from a wealthy family. He has grown up sharing everything with his best friend Lavanya and they have been in love from as far back as they can remember. When the childhood sweethearts reach marriageable age, they express their desire to their parents.
While their parents are also good friends, Hemanth's father is a wealthy business tycoon and Lavanya's father is beneath him in socio-economic status. As it turns out, Hemanth's father cares more about wealth and status than friendship. So, he rejects Hemanth's wish to marry Lavanya and chooses a bride for him from a family of equal wealth and social standing. Will Hemanth be forced to marry against his will? Will Hemanth and Lavanya succeed in proving the power of love and unite against all odds?