Suspenseful and scintillating, this fast-paced thriller revolves around Mike Regan (Brosnan) is a self-made millionaire, who leads a luxurious life with his a gorgeous wife (Friel), a beautiful teenage daughter (Scott) and a sleek, state-of-the-art smart home. His business is going great guns and the future looks rosy as his company is making some pioneering ventures.
As he is all set to create history and change the aircraft leasing business forever, the winds shift and his relationship with Ed Porter (Frecheville), his I.T. consultant, goes bad. Mike soon finds himself in a deadly high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse when Ed starts stalking Mike's daughter and using technology to threaten his family, his business and his life. Can he find a way to safeguard his family and escape the threat unscathed?