Dubbed from Tamil, this masterfully crafted action-oriented romantic thriller follows the twists and turns in the life of a hard-working but impoverished young man, whose aim is to become the champion of the premier bodybuilding contest.
Did you know? Vikram changes his appearance throughout the film. It is said that he had lost weight for portions of Ai and then put on muscle to appear as a super model in the film. Read More
The film's teaser was the first Indian movie teaser to cross one million views on YouTube within the first 12 hours of it's release.
The shooting of this film spanned for two years.
Majority of this movie's scenes have background art created during a workshop held by Weta
Vikram changes his appearance throughout the film. It is said that he had lost weight for portions of Ai and then put on muscle to appear as a super model in the film.
It used to take 4-5 hours every day to complete Vikram's makeup for his role in the film.
This is the first Indian film to be associated with Weta Workshop. This special effects company is based in New Zealand.
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