Youthful and insightful, this contemporary romantic drama revolves around Ruby, who is a talented and dedicated classical ballet dancer. She is thrilled when she gets a prestigious scholarship to a Manhattan Conservatory of the Arts.
She meets an edgy, moody young violinist named Johnnie who performs in the New York subway. He gets distracted while helping her, and his violin and the rent money he has earned busking was stolen. She tries to help him with a loaner violin from the Conservatory, but he tells her he doesn't want charity and seems to be accusing her of being a rich, entitled snob because she attends the Conservatory.
She learns he is illegally living in the USA; which is why he didn't report the theft to the police or ask them for help. She also finds out about a competition, where a dancer must perform with a string musician, and the winner gets a scholarship, which could qualify Johnnie for a student visa. Ruby's scholarship is on the line because she is failing a mandatory contemporary dance class so she and Johnnie must find a way to save Ruby’s scholarship and keep Johnnie from being deported.
Johnnie had paid an immigration attorney to help him get a green card but the attorney turns out to be a fraud. The situation is made more complicated by the rivalry of some other students entering the competition; one of whom harbours a vengeful jealousy of Johnnie's talent.With the help of a hip hop dance crew they must find a common ground while preparing for a competition that could change their lives forever. Will the dynamic duo succeed in winning the competition? Can Johnnie get his visa to legally stay in the USA? Will Ruby and Johnnie start a life together?