Soulful and youthful, this romantic drama revolves around Yuvan (Sai Ronak), a university student who loses his parents in an accident at a very young age. Since that time, he always harbours the dream of falling in love and marrying his beloved, just like his parents did.
In course of time, Yuvan befriends Sandy (Aditi Singh) and soon their friendship blossoms into love. However, unlike in the case of his parents, his relationship ends in heartbreak and separation. This leads a shattered Yuvan to author a book titled 'Tholi Prema' as an ode to Sandy.
Upon reading his novel, Swara (Aishwarya), a dreamy young woman falls in love with Yuvan, but destiny plays another trick as Sandy returns to Yuvan's life. Which of the two women will Yuvan choose as his life partner and why?