This contemporary romantic drama revolves around Chandu, a successful NRI who runs a thriving event management company in the US. He has no belief in Indian culture or values, and prefers to lead a luxurious lifestyle indulging in wine and women. Although he has a large extended family in India, he never visits them as he has no emotional attachment towards them.
In a fateful twist, he becomes embroiled in a court case, which leaves him bankrupt. Drowning in debts, he decides to return to India and see if his family would bail him out of trouble. He meets Sandhya, a beautiful young woman in a chance encounter, and becomes friendly with her. As she is a kind-hearted and generous young woman who works for an NGO, she assists him during his journey to India. How will his family receive him? What kind of tactics will Chandu employ to get financial assistance from them? How will they respond when they come to know of the ulterior motives behind his visit?