This socially relevant saga revolves around Venkob Rao (Anant Nag), a middle-aged man who suffers from Alzheimer's and has been admitted to an old age home by his career driven son Shiva (Rakshit Shetty). Now settled in Mumbai, Shiva has come down to Bengaluru for a business meeting, the outcome of which could fulfill his long standing dream of moving to the USA.
In a cruel twist of fate, Venkob Rao goes missing when Shiva takes him out shopping. He begins looking for Venkob Rao reluctantly with the help of doctor Sahana (Sruthi Hariharan) from the old age home. Along this long journey, Shiva starts discovering little facets of his father's personality while forging a friendship with doctor Sahana.
Meanwhile, a local civil servant is murdered while uncovering a land scam and Ranga (Vasishta N. Simha) is entrusted with making the murder seem like an accident. With Venkob Rao going missing, Shiva is forced to confront the decisions he has made in the past when his dream of going abroad is all but realized.
A clueless Venkob Rao ends up crossing paths with Ranga and his annoying young assistant Manja (Ravikiran) who are in the process of disposing the body of the civil servant. Kumar, (Achyuta Kumar) a good samaritan returning home, gets entangled with Ranga, Manja and Venkob Rao. Shiva's search for Venkob Rao allows him to find all that's missing in his life while Ranga in Venkob Rao's presence finds something that he had lost years ago.
Ranga, Manja and Venkob stay in Kumar's home. Ranga threatens the family with death if they expose the truth about the murder to the police. To cover up the murder, however, Ranga's boss orders Ranga to kill Kumar, his family and Manja, which Ranga reluctantly accepts. However, he doesn't proceed with the murder and lies that he has to his boss.
Later, Kumar who sees the missing poster of Venkob Rao calls Shiva and informs him about the whereabouts of his father. Shiva emotionally reunites with his father and also marries Sahana.