This upbeat and heart-warming tale of friendship and love follows the life of Prabhu (Prasanna), Ilango (Krishna), Sundar (Karthik), Priya and Indra – five youngsters who meet at the Madras Institute of Technology, and become the best of friends, swearing to never lose touch with one another, even later in life. They manage to get jobs in the same company but Ilango, gets whisked away to his village by his dictatorial father (Vijayan) and forced into marriage with Eeswari (Kanika). He then runs away, leaving his friends under the impression that he is in Bombay with his new wife.
A few years later the remaining four are still friends, working in the same company and even living in one house. Prabhu meets Eeswari on the train and without knowing that she is Ilango's wife, falls in love with her. When the truth comes out she becomes good friends with the gang while they promise to find Ilango and reunite them. Will they succeed in finding their friend?
Did you know? Susi Ganesan saw Divya on a magazine cover page and insisted that she perform this role. Divya eventually accepted the offer. She completed the entire film during her summer holidays since she was a student at the time of the shoot. Read More
Susi Ganesan is an erstwhile assistant director of the iconic filmmaker, Mani Ratnam.
Susi Ganesan saw Divya on a magazine cover page and insisted that she perform this role. Divya eventually accepted the offer. She completed the entire film during her summer holidays since she was a student at the time of the shoot.
The other lead roles for this movie such as Karthik, the son of a Tirupur businessman; Krishna, an earlier assistant to director Rajiv Menon; Sandhya, a model and also a former Ms.Chennai, and Mangaikarasi, a dancer based in Sweden.
This film marked the debut of the cameraman, Ravi Varman in Tamil cinema.
This film is the debut film for Anuradha Sriram and her husband Sriram Parasuram as music directors.
This movie is the debut film for actor Prasanna, he saw an ad on Vijay TV that Madras Talkies was auditioning for newcomers by which he got selected.
Five Star 2002
04 Oct 2002 ● Tamil ● 2 hrs 16 mins
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