This contemporary relationship drama revolves around the lives of two people: Arjun (Fahadh Faasil), a wealthy man in the construction business in Kochi who has an affair with his subordinate, Sonia (Remya Nambeesan), even though he is preparing to be engaged to his family friend's daughter Ann (Roma); and Ansari (Vineeth Sreenivasan), who lives in a slum and works in a supermarket doing odd jobs who is mocked for his appearance and has a crush on his co-worker Nafiza (Niveda).
When Sonia learns that Arjun is getting engaged to Ann, a fight occurs between the two and in the heat of the moment he forgets to take his cell phone. The phone accidentally reaches the hands of Ansari. Arjun gets upset over his lost phone because it has intimate video clips of Arjun and Sonia.
Arjun tries to recover it because he is afraid that the videos will be uploaded onto YouTube. Arjun makes several calls to his missing phone but Ansari always turns it off. Arjun gets terribly frustrated.
Finally, Ansari attends a call, but not ready to give the phone back to Arjun. Ansari undergoes a total change in his character after the phone incident and Nafeeza notices it. Under pressure from Nafiza, Ansari opens up. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Nafiza asks Ansari to return the phone to its rightful owner.
When the phone's battery runs out, Ansari cannot afford a charger for the phone, so he takes the phone to a shop. After watching the clips, the shop owner uploads the video onto YouTube where it quickly spreads. Arjun is shown to be regretful of having taken advantage of Sonia's trust in him when she allowed him to record them. Sonia too finds out about the YouTube video, and after making a call to Arjun, is shown to be preparing for suicide.
A chase follows when Arjun tries to find Ansari. The two meet in a confrontation that is vicious and bloody before finally settling down and resignedly going their separate ways. Sonia, whose intimate video clips are all over YouTube, decides to leave town instead of killing herself. Arjun finds out and is seen seeking her out at the airport. He's all bruised from the fight, and the film leaves them at that point while the film ends with Ansari standing up to people who mock him.