Soulful and insightful, this multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Chandramathi (Shriya Saran), a beautiful princess, who lives a lavish lifestyle. She develops a deep bond with Chandrahasa (Prem Kumar), her music teacher, a relationship that soon blossoms into love.
However, Chandramathi is forced by her family to become engaged to Arya (Ganesh Venkatraman), a wealthy NRI who lives in the US. The princess is despondent but travels to the US, only to find herself totally unimpressed by American culture. Desperate to return home, she tries to contact Chandrahasa to express her feelings of hurt, loneliness, homesickness and loss, but Chandrahasa has given his word to her father that he would forget about Chandramathi and would not impede her marriage in anyway.
On the day of the wedding ceremony, it seems that the princess' fate is sealed, but will the divine intervene to reunite the lovers?