Dark and disturbing, this youthful drama revolves around an unnamed 13-year-old boy (Joshua Defays), was deeply troubled. With an absentee dad and a mother (Fabienne Elaine Hollwege) who makes a living performing webcam sex in the room next door, it's not difficult to understand his introversion and violent tendencies.
Matters become worse when he beats a fellow classmate with a lead pipe, landing him in a special detention program. However, the punishment turns out to be a blessing in disguise, when the boy meets Shirley (Charlotte Elsen), a cute waiflike blond who winds up in the same special ed (for beating a girl with a rock), and whose overtly rebellious attitude is a contrast to his more introverted form of violence.
Over a period of time, they strike a special bond, but will it be enough to help them change their ways?