This fast paced crime drama follows a vibrant young man who has aspirations of becoming a police officer, but due to some difficult circumstances in life, turns towards a life of crime.
He joins a gang and becomes deeply involved in their activities, but when he discovers the depth of their heartlessness and greed, becomes disillusioned. For the sake of redemption he decides to become a police informant and assist them in bringing down the underworld network. Will he succeed in outwitting seasoned and wily criminals?
Did you know? One of the highlights of this movie is Rajinikanth's famous phrase "This is Rajini Style", which he says several times throughout the movie Read More
Though it failed at the box office, the film has garnered a cult following as it pits the two greats, Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth against each other.
One of the highlights of this movie is Rajinikanth's famous phrase "This is Rajini Style", which he says several times throughout the movie
Aadu Puli Attam 1977
30 Sep 1977 ● Telugu ● 2 hrs 23 mins
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