The film revolves around Savitri (Soundarya), an innocent simple and loving orphan, and Surendra (Vikram), an intelligent computer programmer. When Savitri has a marriage arranged with a drunkard, Surendra stops this alliance and graciously agreed to marry her.
However, trouble starts when Surendra's brainchild, a virtual reality program on temples of South India is sabotaged, and he is accused of selling out to a rival company. Disillusioned by the sudden turn of events, he crashes into a truck and sustains a serious head injury that requires a major operation.
Savitri finds herself deserted by all her well-wishers when it comes to financial help, and her husband's life hangs in the balance. A lady doctor suggests that she become pregnant through artificial insemination for a rich man, whose wife is impotent, in exchange for monetary remuneration. Savitri agrees and the rest of the film is based on the social stigma attached to artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.
The film was later dubbed and released in Tamil as "Kanden Seethaiyai" with a comedy track separately shot with Vivek added in.
The film was made to be showcased at the Toronto Film Festival in Canada, but it eventually failed to meet the deadlines. The director shot the film in just 15 days.
AR Rahman was initially signed on to score the film's music, but he later opted out owing to the film's small budget.
9 Nelalu 2001
01 Jan 2001 ● Telugu ● 2 hrs 15 mins
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