This intense action drama revolves around Balakrishna, a peace-loving widower, who begins a traditional dance school in a scenic hill station, that teaches Indian classical dance. He and his young child live in the Gurukul.
A beautiful young woman from a wealthy family, Anjali lives with her uncle Jayaprakash Reddy. She joins the school to learn dance from Balakrishna and falls in love with him, but Balakrishna does not show an iota of interest.
Meanwhile, Anjali's marriage is fixed with her cousin much against her wishes, despite her making it known to her father Mukesh Rishi that she is in love with Balakrishna.
Sensing that he might be drawn into violence, Balakrishna closes the school and ggets on a train to exit the place. But he is closely followed by Anjali who gets on to the same train. Mukesh Rishi sends trucks full of goons to put an end to Balakrishna and bring his daughter back.
However, in a shocking twist, when they meet Balakrishna, they drop their guns and run for their lives. What is Balakrishna's true identity? Why is he so reluctant to accept Anjali's love? Will Anjali succeed in marrying Balakrishna against all odds? Will destiny ever allow Balakrishna to have a life filled with peace and love?